Join over 500 members by becoming a member to our vibrant and energetic community!

Your tax deductible contribution to our church and community helps towards our financial obligations and expenses, as well as build our church and community programs. All the initiatives taken by our church are designed to give back to all of our families, children and community.

Your Membership Helps Contribute To
- monthly operating expenses which continue to increase annually
- developing sustainable programs at our church and community
- future development and growth of our church and community

Benefits of a Membership
- member discounts for renting the community hall for functions
- member discounts on programs such as Greek School, Niata, or Adult Greek dance lessons
- free attendance in Sunday School and the JOY program
- member discounts on fitness programs and other events offered through the community
- subscription to our monthly newsletter with news for Church services and community events
- receipt of Society and Church financial statements

- you are able to attend and vote at general meetings and run for the election to the Parish Council
- free business listing in our online business directory

Please note memberships are non-refundable. Autorenewals must be canceled prior to the renewal date.

For further information, please contact: call 403.246.4553 ext 3

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